The Blind Man

In my life recently, I have been reminded of Jesus’s perseverance and steadfast love for me. I look back in my life and can see where Jesus was chasing after me, giving me a second chance when I was running away. This characteristic of Jesus was really evident when I heard the story of Jesus […]

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As I am closing in on the last month of my college career (and “formal” education), I am quickly becoming reflective in most of my down time. This is a common state for most people that finish a burdensome task or season in life. Just like many that have gone before me, I am feeling […]

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Busy, Hurried, or Harried?

In 1967, experts on time management believed that the speed of technology, satellites, and robotics would present a big problem for the US workforce. They felt people would have too much free time. In the extreme they said*: “By 1985, people might have to choose between working 22 hours a week, 27 weeks a year […]

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Mapping Your Journey

Your WALK with God will take you to some unexpected places. God provides direction and insight to help you have a joyful and meaningful journey. In this 5-day audio plan, you will hear about mapping your journey God’s way and be challenged to join with others along the way, no matter where you might find […]

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